Regardless of whether harmful or just dangerous scenes and place around the world, solderssss or law enforcement may be committing abuses a handset is a key weapon this is because it provides valuable evidence of crimes. Frequently, information about violent when a scratchy or even not very clear video appears on You Tube.This makes it a challenge when these clips are not what they seem, video captured on youtube can not be used as evidence in courts of law as their authenticity cannot be verified to the satisfaction of a court.
The International Bar association and the legal services division of the information firm lexis nexis have came up with a new app called eyeWitness to Atrocities which is going live on google play store which could make a different. This app has been designed to record photos, videos and audio recording in a simple and secure way. It looks likes any photography app
Meanwhile the app stamps recording with GPS coordinates both the time and the location and other data which shows exactly where it was recorded and whether it has been edited. However when ors and and a user is in a safe location it can upload their material to a secure database owned by the Eyewitness project. Legal experts can then examine it and decide whether its suitable for use in courts.
Wendy Betts, who runs the project, is convinced that many people would be moved to download the app. She believes that human right campaigners, investigators and journalists would want it and that as the word spread others would see its usefulness
The app is designed purposely for war zone and places where human rights abuses are widespread, but it might end up being used in different places. For instance a number of videos have emerged before of police officers shooting suspects an been d some have led to arrest. However, if they had seen aand recorded as the officers involved in the case .The project manager of the app says the project will not focus on the violent only but will cooperate with request for information from its database as long as it clear has the permission of those who uploaded the materials.
This app will be only be available for Android phone because its just what everyone has in countries where it is designed to be used like USA.