With a various download and install plus with long time of phone usage, even high-end performance smartphone that cost you a fortune can turn into a diesel machine if it gets too cluttered with junk files. With the accumulations of junk files, your phone might turn sluggish and incapable to operate as it should to be.
Fortunately, there is a solution for this problem that is called speed booster apps. This kind of apps is designed to do a routine tune up check on your smartphone and boost up your overall phone performance in a simple manner. Following the same principle as a computer regular maintenance and RAM optimization program, these apps are designed to be intuitive and easy to use for a normal users to optimize their device performance.
Below here are several speed booster apps that we recommended based on their overall performance and extra features that they are capable to perform in order to boost up your device capability even further.
Android Assistant
Android assistant offers you the most extensive smartphone maintenance kit that is packaged in one app that is available to download for free. With various tools available to try, ranging from a simple cache cleaner, monitor running processes, and even battery life saver, Android Assistant can greatly helps you in maintaining your phone performance in various ways.
On the main menu, you will greeted by three tabs, mainly the monitor, process, and tools. These tabs have their own specific functions to boost up your device performance. Monitor tab functions as the display of basic information regarding your phone, ranging from the battery, CPU, memory and many more. Process tabs allows you to turn off several apps that is currently running in your phone, while tools tab list you several tools that you can download to improve your apps further.
Android Booster Free
With over 4 million users download worldwide, Android Booster Free offers you various tools that Android Assistant has in one package that is displayed in user friendly interface. Many users prefer using this app over the simplicity that this app has to offer, but also powerful enough to carry routine maintenance task to keep your device stay sharp.
Several features that Android Booster Free has to offer is a memory booster, task killer, power monitor, traffic manager, app manager, and a file manager. This application can also be accessed easily with the addition of widget that helps you in managing your device performance in a quick and relatively simple manner.
Android Speed Booster Free
Not to be confused with the earlier apps mentioned above, Android Speed Booster Free are another speed booster app that offers you an intuitive interface and powerful capability to perform regular device maintenance and several boosting features.
Divided into 4 separate button; Performance, Memory, Privacy, Application, this app offers extensive features that greatly improves your phone capacity. You can free up critical CPU and reserves battery power instantly, while also protects your privacy issues regarding your phone.